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[FIX] Pages Couldn’t Be Crawled (Incorrect URL Formats)

How to fix issues that can’t be crawled due to an “Incorrect URL Format”

There are two issues that are related to incorrect URLs. I’m going to cover them both because they’re very closely related.

First is the issue pages couldn’t be crawled because of an incorrect URL for it. So this is especially rare because WordPress doesn’t actually allow this.

If you were to go to a page, any page on your WordPress, or create a new page and you try to adjust the permalink settings and you try to put anything in here that is not allowed, and then you try to save it.

WordPress is automatically going to revert back to they’re going to take out any, characters that are not allowed any spaces and they’re going to make sure that this is a properly formatted URL. Now the other issue is links that can’t be crawled because of incorrect URL formats.

So this is the same issue, but a little bit different. This just means that you’re linking to a page, and your link doesn’t have the correct URL format in it.

And now this is possible. And it’s usually just because of a typo in your link. You either put it in a space or you know, some sort of character that’s not allowed.

In this case, I’m going to take out the hyphen here from this URL, insert a space, and then try to save that.

Now, if you do this, you can see right away, WordPress is going to give you a warning. So you can’t create this WordPress.

I mean, you can create it. A WordPress will allow that, but it will give you a, it will flash it, read like this so that you will probably notice it before you clicked update.

Now if you’re working with an existing site, you may find that that sometimes a link has something in it, either a space or some sort of character that’s not allowed, in which case you need to find that link using some rush, go to the page in question, find the link.

And it often it’s a space, or if it’s some other character that’s not out, you just got to take out space, or take out the typo, whatever it is, update it like that. Click Save. If it’s a, if it’s a space in a URL or replaces all the spaces with hyphens, click to save and then update the page.

Now, the only other possibility here is you may have a page on your site that is not

WordPress and for some reason that could have a typo in the URL and it’s not being read, in which case you need to, grab an FTP program to find access to those files, unless you’re using some other, CRM, that’s managing your files.

And you’ll see files, you know, like this 404.shtml, HTML, index.HTML, again with just an FTP program, you can name a file, anything you want and go ahead and save.

It will save. It will not give you any sort of warning. So it is more possible to find a typo in a URL that is, just an HTML file.

But again WordPress, it’s going to be extremely unlikely.

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