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[FIX] Pages Have Too Many On-page Links

How to Fix Pages that Have Too Many On-page Links

How to Fix Pages that Have Too Many On-page Links This is not a common problem. Most often it happens if you have, like a resource page on your website or some sort of page that lists to a whole bunch of external websites, whether they’re resources or business partners, or whatever.

This tends to be a problem. If you get to have more than a hundred links, roughly a hundred things, that’s not a hard and fast rule, but that’s kind of a good ballpark number.

So it’s not like if you have 99 links, it’s fine. And if you have 101 links, it’s too many, that’s just kind of a, a general number of rule of thumb.

And like I said, this typically happens if you have resource pages, and resource pages can be great. They can be really good for SEO, but you need to take a few things into mind.

I’m going to tell you what those are in a second, but I want to know quickly that if you are doing risks, what they call reciprocal link-building and what that means is you’re trading links with other websites.

You should stop that practice. That’s not good, that will actually harm your SEO. So in other words, what, what typically happens is you’re a website owner.

You write to another website owner, you say, Hey, I’ll link to your website. If you link to mine and you trade links, definitely don’t do that.

If you want to check below, we should have a link to, an article about that, and why that’s not good, but if you’re, if you’re doing that, definitely don’t do it.

So back to the resource pages, so resource pages can be really good for users and really good for SEO, but you want to just take a couple of things into mind when you are creating them.

If you have a lot of links on your resource page, or you plan to have a lot of links on your resource page, like more than a hundred, consider breaking them up into categories, and then having one, a few pages, having one central page that links them to those categories.

And I’ll show you, an example, a couple of examples of this. So here are some SEO resources and they are broken into categories.

Each of these links will then lead to another page or a section of a page, that includes individual links in each of these categories.

If you want to take this idea a little further and make it even a little more, user-friendly, here’s just a screenshot of something that does the same thing, a little more visual style to make it a little more user-friendly.

And then here’s another example, of something that, includes a lot of links on one page, but, but also breaks them up into categories, multimedia large repositories, et cetera, and then that brings us to the second role. When you have a resource page, try to include some additional content, put them into context as to, you know, what these links are.

At a minimum, if you have a link, say you have a link to academic earth, you know, include a little bit of text to explain what that is, maybe why it’s on your page.

If you have some, you know, personal experience with this link, you can edit here. Generally, the more context you can give to these things, the better, what you really want to avoid is having just a big, long list of links, with no explanation of why they’re there.

So if you can do that, with any sort of long list of links, break them into categories, either within the same page, if you really think that’s best, and then provide some additional context about what those links are and why they’re on your site and how they can help people and as long as you have fewer than a hundred links on a page, you should be fine.

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