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[FIX] Sitemap.xml File Has Format Errors

How to Fix Sitemap.xml File Has Format Errors If you have the, site map, XML files have format errors. Um, this is actually something I’ve only seen when using the SEO plugin Yoast and that’s one of the reasons that we recommend not using that plugin using the SEO plugin, uh, all-in-one SEO pack instead.

But if you do have that issue and you’re using Yoast, unfortunately, that’s just, there’s not really a workaround for that.

You’re going to have to live with that error. If you are using the all-in-one SEO plugin, or you want to switch the all-in all-in-one SEO plugin, you can check out our, tutorial on that, but if you’re using the all-in-one already, you can go to your dashboard, scroll over the all-in-one and then, click on the XML sitemap in the dropdown.

You first want to try just recreating your site map, you can make some sort of change going to like no schedule there or something, and then just scroll all the way down and click update site map, and that will regenerate your site map, and you can run the SEMrush, audit again, if that error still appears, then the next step would be to try deactivating, some of these things, and I’ve never seen this in person.

So, I doubt this would be the case, but the first thing you’d probably want to do is uncheck the taxonomies.

You don’t want to index the categories, tags, formats, et cetera. You can uncheck dynamically, generate site map, and you can also uncheck all post types and just select pages and posts.

And then do the same thing. Update your site map, go back and rerun the, SEMrush audit, and see if, see if that works, uh, in the very unlikely event that you’re still getting that error.

Just try, disabling the enabled site map indexes, unless you have specifically chosen to use that because you have over a thousand or you have probably several thousand pages in posts, um, If you make Those changes, rerun the SEMrush audit, and you’re still getting that error, you’re probably gonna need to submit a ticket, and we can take a look, but again, I’ve never actually seen that happen.

So I would say that’s pretty rare. The first steps, if you’re using Yoast again, I would recommend switching.

There are, you can check out our video on how to switch from Yoast to all in one and if that doesn’t work, just try changing these settings, and then rerunning your SEMrush shot at that should work.

I would say probably 99.9% Of the time.

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