How to Fix Pages With More Than One H1 Tags
How to Fix Pages With More Than One H1 Tags This is not actually a really important problem. It’s only classified as a notice within SEMrush and it can be easy to fix.
It can also be difficult to fix. I’m going to show you situations, of each, if it’s easy to fix if it’s one of those situations, I say, I suggest you go ahead and do that.
I’ll show you how, if it’s one of those situations where it’s not easy to fix, this is one of those times where I think you could probably leave this as is, cause it’s not going to increase your score that much.
It’s not a really massive deal. But if you have this issue, so the first thing you want to do is go ahead and click on the details page.
And in this case, we have two different pages with more than one. Each tag, one is going to represent, what I call the more difficult case and one the easier case.
So let’s first start, with the more difficult case. So this is the homepage, and on this homepage, these two sets of text here, are both H1.
Now that’s not normal. A lot of times what you will see is probably a page that looks more like this one, where you have a single headline at the top and that is an H1. That’s kind of just typically the case, but it’s not always the case. As we were looking at this homepage, in this case, these are both H1.
And then down beneath, this is an H2. But to be honest, this line here reads more like an H1 to me than these do, I might reverse that, but then I wanted to illustrate that, each one does not always have to be the very first line of text.
You could make this the H1, if you’re looking at a site where you have some sort of situation like this, where you have two H1s and they’re kind of built-in as part of the template, that’s going to be a little trickier to fix.
Cause you’re going to need some coding experience. You’re either going to need to know how to go in, adjust HTML code and change the CSS styles for certain, certain, headings. So you’d need to change the H1 style on the homepage and the homepage only it can be that can be sort of tricky.
So if you’re looking at a situation like this, I would say, leave this until last, if you’re looking at a list of SEO issues, um, and then come back to it at that point, if you, if you have gone through all the other fixes and you still have a fairly low score.
Now, the other situation that we have is a blog post, and this is typically it is going to represent the easier fix.
So again, you’re the however your template is built. You’ll probably have an H1. This is a blog post, especially blog posts.
You’ll probably have an H1 right at the top, and then you’ll have your, your content down beneath it. Now, in this case, I’ve done, I’ve put, put another H1 here.
So this is the H1, there’s another H1 that follows. That’s why this resulted in the warning and SEMrush.
But you can fix this fairly easily, by going to the page and then going to the post editor, and then if you look so at the when you’re inside the editor, this is going to type, this is going to be your H1, the title of the post.
When you scroll down into the content where you can type whatever you want, that’s where you can change the settings.
And you’ll see that once I put my cursor on this, it shows that it’s an H1, all you need to do in this situation has changed this to an H2 and that will change the formatting a little bit.
I’ll show you the front end in a second, but that’s going to resolve your issue.
Additionally, if you go down the rest of the page, you obviously want to want to do this anywhere.
You have an H1 if you have headings down throughout the rest of the page, they can either be all H2.
If you think they’re all sort of, kind of equal importance or you can follow more of like a, a bullet list, the format where you have, you know, an H2 up here at the top, and then this next headline is kind of a sub-topic within this H2.
So you could make that an H3 and then further down, we have another subtopic, of this H2 and that’s another H3 and then we have something, we have a bigger content area, kind of an, a new sub-topic within this page.
So it’s a new H2 and then beneath that is H3 and you can go from H1, H2, H3, all the way down to H6, typically within the content area, you’re only going to use H2s and H3s.
A lot of times, if you see an H4 H5 H6, they might be headings inside navigation, like small texts, but a title of a, of a particular section.
So that’s all you need to do. Especially if it’s a blog post, it’s fairly easy. I do recommend making this change, go ahead, update the page, and then we can go view the post and if we scroll over, this should now be an H2 and it is, we see in the code here, it says H1 and you see that the styling is a little bit different when this was an H1, it was a little bigger and bolder.
Now it’s just an H2 made bold. But then, then you can see the difference between the age two and the H3, and then down here, this is an H2, but not bolded. The important thing to remember is one H1 on this page and the purpose of that is just to say to Google and to users, Hey, this is the topic of this page.
Everything on this page is about smart bulbs versus smart switches.